Hi, my name is Anne Peterson. Welcome to my website. I am a writer, speaker and published author. Life is hard. I write words to make it softer. Since I’ve experienced many losses in my life, I am drawn to those who hurt. To find me on YouTube and hear some of my poetry Click Here
My daughter, Jessica, and I collaborate to create poetry pieces, art books, children’s books, and cards. These would make a great gift for someone special in your life.
A casket. Flowers everywhere. Disbelief. With their final breath, your life is changed forever. You’re sure you can hear the sound of your own heart beating. You feel all alone. I wrote Always There to let you know you’re not alone. Read through the pages and discover no matter what you are going through, God is always there.
When you wonder why there’s so much death and then you meet God in the valley.
It was an honor to be interviewed by Rick Bergh on his Podcast. It’s all About the Story. I share about my experiences with multiple deaths, including the murder of my sister Peggy, and two miscarriages along with how I struggled with anger toward God, yet He still pursued me. I discovered who God really was in my most difficult valleys.
Dealing with the Impact of Multiple Losses
I was very honored to be interviewed on Open to Hope, by Drs. Heidi and Gloria Horsley. In the interview, I share my story of how God brought me through multiple losses. Listen here on Apple Podcast or watch it here on YouTube.